Friday, May 30, 2008

The move

We're going back a couple weeks to recap (in photos) our move from MN to ND.

Day 1: Grandpa Steve took the train from Minot to St Paul, arrived at 7am. Turns out he couldn't sleep very well so by the time we made it back to our house, he was beat. But he stayed awake just long enough to feed Gus and rock him to sleep while I packed some more boxes.

The best part of the weekend was the surprise arrival of Steph! She was a life saver the whole weekend. We are so happy she was here, it wouldn't have been the same (or as easy) without her. Neighbor Dave made this pic, too.

Gus was impressed with the UHaul.

One last family pic at 2006.

Peace out Stahlke Way.

And when we arrived in Fargo, Grandma Debi was waiting for us in the driveway of our new home! She almost fell over when she saw Steph jump out of the car. Steph has surprised all of us like a million times and it never gets old seeing everyone's reaction.

Merry Maids

We took a dinner break at the Mexican Village. Muy Bueno.

There was a jumper emergency but the repairmen were all over it.

When we put his Tigger hat on he feels like he gets more spring. He almost jumped out of Steph's arms.

Practicing walking with Aunt Christy (now our neighbor).

He wanted some cake!

A b-day pic with Grandma Debi.

And the view from the back. It really doesn't take that much to get him to smile but maybe it was for Grandma Debi, too.

Our first pic in our new home and city.

Waking up on his first day in Fargo and trying on Grandma Debi's glasses. He was thinking, 'where the heck am I anyway?'

Grilling with his dad.


Anonymous said...

The pics bring back the memories albeit not that long ago. It was fun and just look how much Gus is smiling about the move and new digs.
Grandpa V (fully recovered now)

Ross and Allison said...

Thanks again for all your help. I'm not sure what we would have done without it.