Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Days go by faster in ND

It seems as if time flies by extra fast in ND and one way you can tell is by our lack of blog entries over the past 2 weeks. Or maybe that is just due to the fact that we've both returned to work and we are still trying to unpack in the midst of yard work, hooking up utilities, a road trip to Minot, and daycare hunting. Whatever the reason is, the blog entries will become more frequent as we continue to settle into our new home and jobs.

One thing is for certain, we like it here so far. Ross' job is going good as of day #2 and I feel like I'm starting to catch on in day #9 of my job. We are especially happy this week because Grandma Vickie is in town watching Gus during the day while we are both at work. She barely finished up her school year and we were already asking her to come. It's so nice to be closer to family! Next week Gus will start daycare and we know he will do just fine.

Our trip to Minot for the long weekend was great. We saw family, friends, and all of our family and friends' pets, too. It's so nice to be close to home. Thanks to everyone who stopped by or cooked us food and/or treats while we were home. And we can't forget to mention how much we love the drive. It's a piece of cake compared to what we are used to.

I will get the pics off my camera and up here just as soon as I can. You won't even recognize Gus at this point, he's practically walking, so maybe a video is in order just to make up for lost time. On second thought, hold on the video because I'm not sure where the cord to the video camera is packed.

Hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend.


Anonymous said...

Finally! Although I completely understand the work involved in moving, unpacking, settling in, etc. Can't wait to see the little guy and get our regular 'Gus fix' again. Glad to hear y'all (that's Texan) like your jobs and are happy with the move.

Anonymous said...

We're glad you are closer and the webcam is really neat for checking in almost in person. Let's keep connected. Teach Gus how to beam us up!!
Grandpa V.