Yep, it's true - his agent is cousin Brett who works very hard at his sweet job at Target. It just so happens they recently put out a call for infants to be photographed and appear on some of Target's new baby products. Brett emailed me and said 'why not give Gus a shot at it?'. I thought it sounded like fun so I sent a couple photos to Brett who submitted them to the proper folks. Low & behold....yesterday we got the email. Gus has been invited to the casting call!
Friday morning we will rise early, have a healthy breakfast, comb his hair real nice, and head downtown for the photo shoot. He's pretty pumped up and has already completed the required questionnaire which included the following: Clothing size, diaper size, weight, and nap time. Ahh, gotta love it.
Thank you, cousin Brett! This will be so fun. Stay tuned to see how it goes.
He's got it in the bag! I have been saying he should be a baby model since the day he was born. He is THE cutest baby that will be there, I am sure of it.
Good Luck G man!
Please, all requests for interviews, autographs, public appearances, etc. should go through me. Gus has a very busy schedule these days.
Seriously, good luck Gus! I know you'll do great.
Wow! I know Gus will make the cut. He'll probably be their cover model. Gabe wants to know if he can have Gus' autograph. When he learns how to write.
Don't be distracted by all the activity around you. Maybe you will need Daddy and uncle Chad to be your body guards. Have a fun time and like I tell everyone, do your best.
Grandpa V
Oh boy...Holly is going to be so jealous - a modeling job! She always dreamed of a modeling job. Go Gus - turn on that Pankratz charisma & charm!!
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