Tuesday, May 26, 2009

1 day in Minneapolis, grandparents in Fargo

It's amazing how much stuff you can accomplish in one day if you don't think or plan too hard in advance. My parent's camping trip for this past weekend was canceled at the last minute so I asked if they would be interested in coming down to stay with Gus for a day or 2. To nobody's surprise, they agreed! A couple days later, Ross and I were on our way down to Minneapolis where we packed a UHaul full of the remaining furniture at our Chaska place, picked up a new car, grilled with the old crew, and took some shots of Gabby, our goddaughter to capture some 7-month old memories.

Here's Gabby:

Ross and Gabby reading.

I don't have any shots of Gus with his Grandma Debi and Grandpa Steve so I'll insert a couple shots of him from last week (below). Thanks for your help, grandparents + Aunt Christy and Uncle Josh, too. Also, a big thank you to the folks in Chaska who helped Ross stuff the UHaul full of goodies. I think I heard Ross say, 'next time, we are getting movers'. Yesssssssss. I agree, and I didn't even do the heavy lifting.


A little Tony Soprano in his track suit and Sox cap.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

18 months

1.5 years ago today, Gus was born. It won't be long before I must stop counting his age in months. He's getting old!

At 18 months, he is a running, jumping, dancing, talking, reading fool.

I can't get him to look at the camera anymore (he's finally figured out that I really don't have anything for him when I say his name over and over again in an attempt to get him to look), so it is purely amazing that I got this shot.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ice cream treat

He loved it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day artwork by an 18-month old

I received the best card and pipe-cleaner/tissue paper flower from Gus when I picked him up from daycare last Friday.

Obviously he had help with the front of the card.

I've been scrubbing his finger and toenails for the past 3 days to get the purple out but it was worth it. I love cute hand and foot prints!

After I read the first paragraph of this Mother's Day poem I immediately thought...'if the daycare providers are trying to make me feel guilty for working...they succeeded'! But as I read on, the poem became more touching.

Next to the card on the table is some sweet smelling spring flowers that I got from Ross in celebration of our 5th anniversary. What a wonderful weekend.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Family and running

The Fargo marathon was held on Saturday the 9th. It was a cold, 38 degrees at 8am, although you can't tell from the photo below.

The family arrived with a purpose: run to warm up, stay warm, then finish strong. From left to right: Meg (5K), Brett (relay leg 1), Bjorn (relay leg 3), Randy (full marathon WOW), Val (best supporter).

Pre-race shivers. It was freezing.

Here's my only good shot of the start. People just kept coming and coming. I got dizzy after watching 10,000 people stream by, hence the crooked shot.

Uncle Randy is amazing, this is his 4th full marathon (I think?? Let me know if I'm wrong), and he has been a great source of motivation and advice for us going into this event. We eased into the marathon experience by signing up as a team for the relay. It's 26.2 miles split by 4. Our relay order was Brett, me, Bjorn, Christy.

The first hand off went great. I spotted Brett straight away, he handed off the chip, and away I went.

Here's the 2nd hand off, me to Bjorn. It appears I wasted at least 15 seconds yapping, but I know he made up for it. He was fast.

Brett and I, after wishing Bjorn luck and sending him on his way to meet Christy at exchange point 3.

The family.

Grandpa Steve even showed up at the Dome on his way to the airport. Grandma Debi and him are in Boston right now loving up their first precious granddaughter, Hava.

Randy at the 1/2 marathon mark and looking good!

Meg, Bjorn, and Brett waiting in the Dome for Randy to cross the finish line. He came in minutes later but I was cheering so loudly, I forgot to snap a pic.

It's a long story, but I'll leave it at this: our team name was Silent Jump so of course we had to act it out for a picture.

I wish I had photos of Christy and Meg during their race but I don't on my camera. If I get some more great shots, I'll share them. Everyone did great. It was impressive and sooooo fun. We are going to do it again.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Party in Fargo

We went to the Mayor's post-flood/flood survivors celebration party in downtown Fargo and it was a good time. There was live music, grilled food, and ice cream.

There was also puppies and dancing, but I didn't get any photos of that.

Side note: Ross found our little camera. We're back in business!

Josh and Christy met us there. Josh is breathin' right.

We checked out Charlie's Ice Cream Parlor. Ross waited in line while Christy, Josh, and I kept Gus entertained outside. I grabbed him long enough to get 2 photos with him. Very rare.

Getting impatient.

Seriously what's taking so long?

This kid is not afraid of ice cream brain freezes.

It's a crooked family pic, but the best we are going to get with a 1.5 year old.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hava Sarine

I spent the weekend plus Monday and Tuesday with Steph, Mike and our baby niece, Hava. I missed Gus and Ross like crazy, but it was a perfect trip. Hava is the sweetest, most precious little girl.