Friday, June 22, 2012

Nora's almost 2

We like to call Nora our little hippie.  She's a very peace, love, happiness kinda gal.  She also says "dude", and "hey girl, hey", so it's very fitting that during Gus' soccer games, she can be found just playing away in the flowers.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Final soccer game of the year

The 2012 Gorilla soccer season came to a close this week.  I wasn't keeping perfect track, but I believe they finished just a hair over .500.  It was a great season. All of the kids made major improvements throughout their 10-week season.

Gus loved soccer and wants to play again next season.

 Go, Gus! 

Nora only made it to 2 games this year.  She can't sit still.

She was happier way up high, plus, this was one way that we could watch the game without chasing her all over the place.

Good game, everybody.

After he shook hands, he found his BFF, Caleb.  They posed for a pic just like they did on their first day of soccer.

And finally, here's the official team portrait for the 2012 Gorillas (as captured in low-quality with my cell phone). 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

We're going to the zoo

We packed the ol' Expedition full with 4 adults, 1 kid, 2 toddlers, 1 wagon, 2 coolers, 2 blankets, 3 umbrellas, 3 DVD players, 2 Hornbachers bags full of snacks, and 4 Starbuck's coffees.  All to make the 45 minute trek to Wahpeton, ND to go to the Chahinkapa Zoo.  At least we weren't going to starve!

None of us had ever been to Wahpeton before, so we were excited.  And the city of Wahpeton did not disappoint!  The zoo was fun, and the little park we stopped at afterwards for a lunch picnic was great.  

Naturally, after we'd spent the entire drive down pumping up the kids about all the awesome animals they were about to see, once we arrived, all they wanted to do was run up and down the hill.  So who's stopping 'em - nobody - let's run!  Wooohooo!  They took many trips up and down this particular hill.  And no wipe outs, amazingly, despite the fact that they are definitely not used to playing on hills (being from Fargo and all).

Will looks like a little super model in his stylin hat and jeans.  He was the best-dressed guy at the zoo that day, hands down.

It rained the first hour we were there.  We ducked into this little gazebo for some shelter.

When you ask Nora to say 'cheese' and smile, she takes it a little too far.

Ross made our soggy little troopers forget all about the rain after he picked up 3 bags of popcorn from the gift shop.

Josh and Christy showed the little ones how to properly feed the ducks.

Now what was that I saying about Nora overreacting/exaggerating?  She cracks us up.  Here she is replaying or practicing Josh's duck-feeding lesson over and over again so everyone would know she could do it when she actually had the food in her hand.

Good job, guys!

We took a spin on the carousel.

And finished the day with a fabulous picnic in the park.  The sun was even shining by this time.  It was a perfect day, and we had so much fun that we'll be doing the family road trip again.  All we need now is Steph, Hava, Mike, Grandma Debi, and Grandpa Steve.  And another vehicle.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Need I say more?  She likes to wear my shoes.  And she can walk around the house in them without falling down.  I'm so proud.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Goose in the garage

After we arrive home for the day, I always leave the garage doors open so the kids can play, and run to and fro.  One time I thought 'wouldn't it be weird if somebody's dog or cat, or other wildlife wandered into our garage and we locked it in overnight?'  I've only thought that thought once.  But ever since there really was a goose in our garage, I now think it everyday.

This particular goose showed up in our garage last week.  He was by himself, just wandering the block.  We chased him down the driveway with a broom. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Elmo in the house

Elmo was in Fargo this weekend.  To Nora, this was it.  Waiting in line to see Elmo was like waiting in line to get her backstage pass at the year's hottest show.  She even had her Elmo notebook along in the off-chance hat Elmo could write. He couldn't.  So instead we just hugged him and gathered around for a photo.

 Gus went along with it, but was more interested in getting his hands on the fire hose. 

 It was a very cool practice fire house brought over by Fargo Fire Dept.  He loved it!