Monday, March 21, 2011

7 months

Ah, to be 7 months old again. Nora's loving it, and living it up. She's drooling, army-crawling, sitting up with near perfect balance, chewing on everything in sight, eating her fruits and veggies 3x a day, and laughing at her brother. The most stressful part of her day is when she must decide which pacifyer to use at bedtime.

She is a sweet girl!

In other news, I'm teaching Gus how to use my Canon. His first portrait of Nora turned out pretty good.

Let me see you move

We've convinced Gus that he needs to get exercise everyday. Yes, it is a good life lesson, but I cannot tell a lie, we also want to wear him out during the day so he sleeps good at night. This week he stayed dedicated to his exercise plan. He even mixed it up with a few new activities.

For example, the rope swing at gymnastics.

Nora nailed her beam routine. Her dismount was killer and she stuck the landing.

Because gymnastics is over for the season, it was time to bring on the swimming! My office held their annual winter pool party for the kids last week. Gus loooooved it, and Nora did not. She was velcroed to Ross the entire time.

Gma Debi brought a new game to town which Gus enjoyed. Ribbons! It ended up being another good form of exercise, and it was something new.

Gus loved making car ramps with his uncle Josh.

Rock it, Grandpa.

Meanwhile, Nora enjoyed snuggling with her Great Grandma Ethel.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dead Heat

Nora and her cousin, Will, are 3 months apart but as of last week, are tied when it comes to height. No surprise, Nora is tall for her age. And while I'm comparing the tots, (not that this is a competition), Will has better balance.

I think I should save this photo, and show it to them when they are 3 1/2 years old and NOT sharing their toys. To remind them that they were once happy to share.

I like how Nora is able to shoot Will a threatening look, as if to say, "don't even think about it," while still assuming a dainty pinky pose.

Sunday evening dinner parties with their Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin are the best!

How cheesy, Gus. Gus loves his cousin, Will.

Our Sunday evening dinner parties could only be better if Steph, Mike, and Hava could be here, too. Cousin-togetherness is priceless. We can't wait to watch the kids grow up together.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Let's bowl

He loved it! We will be bowling again.

Towards the end, we got our hands on a little ramp which made the ball go about 10 times faster down the lane. We should have grabbed a ramp way before we did!