Tuesday, June 18, 2013

They are headed west

We were so happy, but so sad at the same time to hear the news that my brother Josh and his wife Christy plus our little nephew Will would be moving to Idaho this summer.  Christy got a wonderful new job with Coldwater Creek.  It is a retail clothing store headquartered in Sandpointe, ID.  They will be moving there and she will join their Marketing Team as a Graphic Designer.  Go Christy!  Josh will find a job after they arrive and get settled in.  He's so talented, he could do anything.

Their moving date is July 9, so we wanted to soak up every moment we could with them.

Their last cousins slumber party of the summer.  But we'll have more when they come back to Fargo for a visit.
Aww, so cute.  I had to share this censored version of Will-man washing his hands before getting his jammies on and heading to bed with Gus and Nora.  Gonna miss this little guy so much!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Twins Win!

Ross and I took a nice little weekend getaway to Minneapolis without kiddos (thanks grandma and grandpa!).  It was just like the good old days when we lived there, had no kids, and could stay up past 10pm.

We had dinner downtown with friends, did some shopping, and caught a Twins game on an absolutely lovely evening.  And the Twins won!

 Holly met us downtown. Another flashback to the good old days.

 Brett, too! 

We missed the kids but still had a ton o fun. Also, I went to Ikea and didn't make Ross come with me.  So all in all, the weekend was a win-win situation for everyone.

Monday, June 3, 2013

3 Sport Spring/Summer

Gus participated in 3 sports this spring.  Soccer, t-ball, and golf. 

Ross was the coach, and Nora was the cheerleader, but spent most of her time during games at the playground.

His first t-ball team was the White Sox and it was all the guys from his preschool and daycare class.  They were a great team!

Finally, his golf game has only seen 3 rounds so far, but he likes it so it is promising.

Also pictured here is his trusty caddy, Nora.