Friday, November 30, 2012

In da Club

Gus recently had his winter dental appointment and I'm proud to say he made it into the Cavity Free club again!  He's 2-for-2, although I did overhear the hygienist telling the dentist that they are 'keeping an eye on #16' or something of that nature.  So it seems like there is a questionable tooth in there and if he wants to stay in the club he'll really need to stay on top of his brushing.

Go Gus!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Not enough iPad to go around

While in Minot over Thanksgiving, we had some visitors at Grandma Vickie's.  Cooper and Sofie came by to play which was great, until we only had one iPad between the 4 kids.  Scary, I know!  Thankfully, there were only a few tears shed.  Also, it was a great opportunity to remind my children of the importance of sharing. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday, Gus!

Gus turned 5 on November 17th.  Because his birthday fell on a Saturday this year, he got to celebrate the big 0-5 a day early at preschool.  He packed up a bunch of his favorite books and toys into the birthday bag (pictured below), and shared all of these favorite things with his class.

 He choose Vikings cupcakes this year.

On Saturday, his actual birthday, he awoke at the crack of dawn to make it to the rink in time for hockey team pictures.

He got 5 bucks for his 5th birthday.  He also got breakfast to go and a mug of hot cocoa for the quick trip to the arena.

While he was at hockey, Nora and I spruced the place up a little.

We packed up the cake and headed to Chuck E Cheese for the official party. 

 Will and Chuck
 Gabby came all the way from Mpls for the party.
 Gus and Caleb as future boy band-mates.

He loved the special treatment and attention from Chuck E and gladly donned the birthday crown while we all clapped.

Gus and his buddy, Caleb, share the same birthday.  I tried to get a photo of them with Chuck E, but they just wanted to be crazy. 
 Gus snagged 150 tickets from the whirling Ticket Tunnel.
The party and entire weekend was great.  And he had a good warm-up to it. The weekend before, Grandma Vickie and Grandpa Dave came down for a pre-birthday party celebration. 

Even though it wasn't her big day,  Nora was all smiles. She sang Happy Birthday to Gus numerous times.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A truck and a princess

Halloween 2012 costumes were Nora as Cinderella, and Gus as Optimus Prime (the transformer).

Nora kicked off the partying late afternoon at her daycare party.  Her friend Aiden was Elmo.

We hurried home, put on costumes, and headed to the neighbors for dinner to fuel up for trick or treating.

 Caleb was a teenage mutant ninja turtle (not sure which one), and Peyton was an adorable pirate.

They were all equipped with glowsticks incase they stayed out late into the hours of darkness.  They did.
After we finally got them home, sugared down, teeth brushed, and jammies on - they crashed.  I went into check on Gus about an hour later and found this.

Still partying!