Thursday, November 1, 2012

A truck and a princess

Halloween 2012 costumes were Nora as Cinderella, and Gus as Optimus Prime (the transformer).

Nora kicked off the partying late afternoon at her daycare party.  Her friend Aiden was Elmo.

We hurried home, put on costumes, and headed to the neighbors for dinner to fuel up for trick or treating.

 Caleb was a teenage mutant ninja turtle (not sure which one), and Peyton was an adorable pirate.

They were all equipped with glowsticks incase they stayed out late into the hours of darkness.  They did.
After we finally got them home, sugared down, teeth brushed, and jammies on - they crashed.  I went into check on Gus about an hour later and found this.

Still partying!

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