At 18 months, he is a running, jumping, dancing, talking, reading fool.

I can't get him to look at the camera anymore (he's finally figured out that I really don't have anything for him when I say his name over and over again in an attempt to get him to look), so it is purely amazing that I got this shot.
WOW! Gus,
I love the picture it is so fun to see how much you have grown and amazing what you learn in a short 18 months.
What a little man!!
Wow Gus, Looks like you are pretty tall sitting in the chair that was Great Great Grandma Asbe's!
Maybe we will get to see you this weekend. Nana Debi
He's a cool little dude!!
Gus, you look to be a perfect gentleman, oh, wait you're still under 2 years old. Don't grow up to fast.
Granpa V
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