Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day artwork by an 18-month old

I received the best card and pipe-cleaner/tissue paper flower from Gus when I picked him up from daycare last Friday.

Obviously he had help with the front of the card.

I've been scrubbing his finger and toenails for the past 3 days to get the purple out but it was worth it. I love cute hand and foot prints!

After I read the first paragraph of this Mother's Day poem I immediately thought...'if the daycare providers are trying to make me feel guilty for working...they succeeded'! But as I read on, the poem became more touching.

Next to the card on the table is some sweet smelling spring flowers that I got from Ross in celebration of our 5th anniversary. What a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

Patty Bloms said...

Love the card...and flowers! I remembered your anniversary and thought of you two, even though I didn't send you a note. Hope if was happy!