Today wasn't our average Friday but we were happy because it was
WWAAYY more exciting than it usually is.
First we headed downtown to visit Ross at his office. I can't believe he will only be making the monster commute down there and back for 1 more week! Gus loved his office and his co-workers, too.

We weren't sure if he liked the fast elevator ride or not but on second glance, he appears to be smiling in this shot so it must not have bothered him. He really liked all the nice ladies who told him he was
sooo cute and paid tons of attention to him.

He could have sat and watched the hustle bustle of downtown all day. He was impressed that the trucks and cars were driving underneath us.

After seeing Ross's office and spending some time people watching, we headed to the Target Casting Call. He was a little nervous but once he saw his agent he was fine. Here they are discussing strategy.

And here he is with his legal counsel. Everyone was out today! It was good to see Bjorn, especially all dressed up in a tie. Hey isn't it casual Friday? Just joking Bjorn. You look sharp. Thank you for walking down to say hello.

He had butterflies in his tummy as we approached the door.

I think he was a little intimated at first by the kids who could walk. I told him they were in a different age division so he shouldn't worry but he kept staring at them anyway.

Sporting his Target guest pass and getting his focus in the director's chair.

When they called his name we had to strip him down to his diaper. Now would have been a good time to have him in a Target brand
diapie. Shoot.

Here we are walking out of the studio after the shoot. Nothing to it! Luckily he has had his picture taken plenty of times over the past 6 months so to him, this was just another day with his mom. He loved it! He even sat up on his own for at least 15 seconds and had only one wipe out (I caught him before he fully tipped over so he wasn't embarrassed).

After we got him dressed he was all pumped up and wanted to do it again!

He was pleased with this session so the post-shoot conversation with his agent, Brett, was short. A quick handshake and we were on our way.

We love Target. Who doesn't?

One last glimpse of this cool city. Take it all in, Gus, because Fargo's
skyway system isn't quite the same!
Brett, Gus doesn't want to settle for anything less than six figures. If they want him they'll have to pay top dollar.
Wow! Gus I just dropped in for a quick check to see what you have been up to lately and holy cow now I suppose the next time we see you there will be a fee. Keep in mind we are family:)
I suppose the next time I check you will be on the front page of a Target ad.
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