Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday in the park

We met Josh, Christy and Hunter at Island Park this afternoon for a little exercise and decompression in preparation for the work week. It was a perfect day today, 74 degrees and no wind. For Fargo that is amazing.

Gus chilled in his stroller but kept his eye on Hunter most of the time.

He tried out swinging for the first time and as you can tell, he was a fan.

Feel the wind in the toes.

This is one of the only shots we have of him standing. He wanted to sit and play in the grass the whole time.

Aunt Christy, Uncle Josh and Hunter.

He agreed to pose for like 1 second for this family pic but as you can see, he was already pretty much crawling out of our hands so he could get to the ground and play.

If he's this impressed with grass imagine how excited he will be when he gets a sandbox someday!

It took about 3 mins and all 4 of us yelling to finally get him to look up from the grass and at the camera.


Nancy Mora said...

His expression is the same as mine would be with a dog's face that close to mine! The others of course, are adorable.
GA Nancy

Anonymous said...

I know you are liking the outdoors. We're working on a date that you and your Mommy and Daddy can come camping with us. No cribs there buddy just the wide open spaces. Love ya
Grandpa V.

Anonymous said...

That was a great day in the park! Swinging was so much fun!
~Uncle Josh

Anonymous said...

It was so fun watching him discover grass! He loved it! :)

Aunt Christy