Gus is moments away from crawling. He shoots right up from his tummy to all fours with no problem, it's just the part
after that that's still kind of confusing.

Here he is showing off his 1 leg only move.

In addition to new physical challenges, we decided to give him a shot at some new snacks. Ross crumbled up some cheese and cheerios and as you can see, he was into it. He was concentrating so hard and managed to pick up a couple little pieces, pass then back and forth from hand to hand, and even get them close to his mouth.

This cheerio made it to his lip and got stuck.

In the end, Ross helped him get this bite in the mouth but Gus was not impressed with how it felt. He wriggled and made some nutty faces but I'm sure after a couple more rounds of this, he'll learn to love snack time.
1 comment:
Looks like you have the motor running and need to shift the transmission into drive. I'm sure by next week you will be on the road and moving even more.
Grandpa V
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