We drove down to Minneapolis to visit friends, enjoy the non-windy spring weather (which we miss terribly), and check out the Farm Babies exhibit at the MN Zoo. Gus was ready to hit the zoo, first thing, on Saturday morning. He grabbed Gabby's hand and screamed, "let's go!".

Ross and Gus imitated the monkeys, or fish. I can't remember.

Gabby was not interested in petting the baby goat, even though her Dad was right there with her.

Gabby came in at a whopping 2'9". Huge.

Gus was super pumped to go into the goat pen.

Michelle purchased goat food and gave it to Gus. He could have fed those goats all day.

This baby duck was very soft.

Gus had the right idea.

The kids stared at the dolphins for quite some time.

We got them to look away for a moment for a pic.

Approximately 2 minutes after leaving the zoo, Gabby was out.

And 5 minutes after that....

They both had a snooze, then were ready to go again.
Here we are on our way to the park. Michelle and I cracked up all weekend because they frequently held hands when we were all walking together. Of course we think it is adorable, but I'm sure they just think it is the rule - if you are in the street, hold onto
someone's hand.

Even after we were well off the road and sidewalk, they still held hands.

Eventually they spotted the playground equipment and the race was on.

This is adorable.

Gus enjoyed running the bases.

We kept the kids busy golfing, in honor of the Masters tournament on TV over the weekend.


And finally, time to crash for the day. Gus only lasted in here for about 2

On Sunday morning, we met the crew (Tara, Buzz, Holly, Jaime, Paul, Carson, Ashton), for brunch which was delicious. Darn, I didn't take any photos.
Thank you, Mike, Michelle & Gab for hosting a great weekend.
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