He was wondering why the heck we were all sitting in this cold, bright room just looking at each other.

I can't explain why Ross looks so confused. Yes, the winter was long and all, but I'm pretty sure he knew we were outside.

And while Gus was experiencing his first time outside, we thought we'd let him try jumping on his own for the first time, too. Our god daughter, Carter, will be 2 in a couple weeks so she's long outgrown her jumper. She loaned it to Gus until he can do the jumping on his own.
He is still practicing so we'll wait to video tape him until he's a jumping maniac.

You guys crack me up! Leo commented that Ross always was a little slow to catch on so maybe he hadn't figured it out just yet. I, on the other hand, always thought he was pretty quick to catch on.
Regardless, we both enjoy these posts so much. Truly, most days they are the hightlight of my day.
I think I was confused because it was a one day aberration. We're supposed to get another 6 inches of snow this weekend. Oh well, I suppose spring will get here eventually.
Hope things are going well down South. Let me guess -- 80 degrees and sunny every day?
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