Unless something major happens to our plans in the next couple of weeks, we are on target to relocate back to the great state of North Dakota within 1 month. Fargo, to be exact.
We are very excited to finally do something we've discussed trying for many years. We knew we wanted to be closer to family after we had children and now that Gus is here we thought now might be a good time to investigate the possibility. Plus, the fact that I was laid off this winter and was on the job hunt anyway was also a contributing factor to our decision. We're going for it!
So are we going to live off the land? Be Josh and Christy's maid & butler? No, although those would all be fun jobs, I am happy to say I've found a great position at a marketing & tech company called Sundog and Ross is in the process of finding his dream job as we speak. He will be able to spend more quality time job hunting once we get there. With his experience and skills he will undoubtedly find something he likes and the company that gets him will be lucky!
We hope to find a temporary home within the next couple of weeks and are keeping our fingers crossed for the speedy sale of our current home.
This decision wasn't easy because we have such wonderful friends and family here. We keep reminding ourselves it is only a short 3-hour trip and we've been making the drive for years so why stop now? Home will just be on the flip-side.
Mostly, we are looking forward to being much closer to our loving families and dear ND friends. We are very excited! Anytime you happen to be in the Fargo area and need to a place to stay just give us a call.
Yay! I'm so excited for you guys... Hey Al, isn't sundog the group of guys that rented space from John Borge studio when they were first starting out? I'm thinking I know the name and can't quite place it... But maybe that was after you were gone from concordia? Can't remember...
Congratulations! Very exciting news, indeed. I just hope with Allison being gainfully employed, it doesn't cut down on the picture taking & postings in the future. If so, I'll have to find new websites to surf. Good luck with everything & if we can be of any help, let us know.
We are so happy!!! Congrats on the new job Allison, very exciting. You are going to need a big house with many bedrooms for all the family that will be visiting! Can't wait for you to get settled so we can make our first trip to visit the 3 of you in your new city!
Jessie & Kyle
Lindy -
Thanks for the comment! I can't say for sure that Sundog has roots with John Borge but I'm willing to bet you are correct. While I was getting the tour of my new office I noticed alot of his work scattered around the building. From what I learned, Sundog is now much bigger than it was in it's early days - 5 years ago 3 big companies merged into one, all under the name Sundog. I hope I like it! I guess I could always go back to work in John Borge's darkroom, ha! Talk soon.
Jess, Kyle, & Patty and family,
Thanks for the note of congrats. We are excited to see you on your next trip to Fargo! I'm sure there is some shopping to be done by somebody isn't there?
Well to say the least Grandpa and Grandma V are extatic! Having you all closer will be wonderful. Two of our three kids in one city, and Steph will still be able to fly in to Minneapolis to friends and drive as they do to see Mikes family. Now Gus will get to see Grandpa and Grandma on a regular basis and we are thinking of his first wonderful camping experience. Gus get your jungle hat on that matches Grandpas! You are going to have a great picture with the two of them. Excitement, that is all we have to say!!! GV
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