This is Gus' new chair and this was his expression the first time I sat him in it, then took a step back. He was like..."mom, wait a sec...I..uh, I..I'm sitting in your chair by myself! Am I really?"
He has loved it since then.
You look like a big boy sitting in the big boy chair. Grandma Vickie
Gus, After seeing this picture there is only one thing you should do and that is start a tv show for kids, something on the order of "judge judy". You look very official sitting up and you can use your new found baby language to give other toddlers some good advice. Grandpa V
I am catching up on the blog from this week. The valentine's day pics were great, and I loved hearing Gus talk, but the greatest one was of him sitting in the chair. I bet he felt sooo big. Keep those pictures coming. Val
You look like a big boy sitting in the big boy chair. Grandma Vickie
Gus, After seeing this picture there is only one thing you should do and that is start a tv show for kids, something on the order of "judge judy". You look very official sitting up and you can use your new found baby language to give other toddlers some good advice.
Grandpa V
I am catching up on the blog from this week. The valentine's day pics were great, and I loved hearing Gus talk, but the greatest one was of him sitting in the chair. I bet he felt sooo big. Keep those pictures coming.
He's the host for a Baby Talk Show!?
~Uncle Josh
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