Thursday, February 21, 2008

Basketball threads from Unkie J and Aunt Christy

This is one of many hilarious onesies Gus has received from his Aunt and Uncle Josh & Christy. He also received a rather funny onesie from his uncle Kyle (but it doesn't fit quite yet). Hmmm, seems to be a pattern with the funny uncles.

He loves all of his aunts and uncles and we tell him about them everyday. Now that he is interested, we will be showing him their pictures, too. So if I haven't taken your picture yet watch out! Next time we see you there will be a photo shoot going down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing the PANKRATZ basketball attire, makes me wonder if it's too early to start making t-shirts for kind of gets me in the mood. Also, not sure if we would want to spell out just GUS or should we go with PANKRATZ. I'm positive Nancy & Dorinda are in on the "GUS" with me. If we can't come up with enough great-aunts to spell out PANKRATZ, we could also use great-uncles! Just something to be thinking about...
