Thursday, February 7, 2008

John Deere

Gus received this John Deere outfit from our friends Mike & Michelle and we love it! It came with a hat, too, but I think it's too tight because he was making crazy faces when I placed it on his head. It was only on for one pic.

This hip outfit reminds us of those little pedal John Deere they still make those? I think my brother, Josh, once won the John Deere pedal tractor drag race in Carpio if I remember correctly. There most definitely is someone else in this family who has won the same title, especially if the competition was infact held in Carpio. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Lucas is positive that Gus has already had his picture taken way more times than he has in his 17 years of life! (But then he is the poor middle child, so it could be true)

Anonymous said...

The JD shirt and cap look great on you. Your Mommy is right, uncle Josh did win a trophy in a tractor pull contest. The tractor was a JD pedal.

Ross and Allison said...

I guess we're trying to make up for it because both Allison and me were the neglected middle children too.