March 11, 2012 was the final weekend of snow in Fargo for 2012. Whoa - did I just jinx us by making that bold of a statement so early in the spring? I hope not. Sorry if I did, only time will tell. But one thing I can say for certain is that this is the first spring since we've lived in Fargo that there has not been a threat of a flood! Go Fargo.
Here's Nora and her BF Peyton taking after each other with dueling lawn mowers.

When Nora grew tired of mowing the sidewalk, she opted to chill with her cousin, Will, and share a snack.

And with full tummies, they hit the trail in the neat wagon that Will's Grandpa Ron refurbished. The kids love it!

Whadyasay, another trip around the block, Nor?
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