Saturday, June 25, 2011

Watching the flood from afar

We are glued to the KXNews live stream, and although we've heard and watched all of the latest details, it still does not seem real. It's hard to believe this tragedy has happened in Minot and we are so sorry for everyone who has been affected by this flood. We want to contribute to the recovery and rebuilding efforts as much as we can, to a city and to people who we love. We'll start here in Fargo at a charity event planned for next week.

While the cities of Minot, Burlington, Velva, Sawyer, and so many others, and their residents were scrambling to protect their homes and businesses, we were standing by in Fargo.

Ross and Gus had their first campfire at home. It included roasted marshmallows, of course.

Gus has been driving by Thunder Road for 2 years, and asking about it nearly everyday. We finally made the trip and it did not disappoint.

Gus had no clue what he was getting into when he jumped into the go-cart with his dad. Here they are, just barely pulling out of the garage. They were not pedal-to-the-metal at this point. I wish I would have taken video of the acceleration, because when Ross gunned it, the look on Gus' face was hysterical!

Holding on! I couldn't tell if he liked it or not.

Still going, and at about lap 4, I figured it had to be good since he hadn't asked his dad to stop yet.

Turns out he LOVED it, and went again with his Uncle Josh.

We also had a lovely visit from cousin Laura, and her new handsome little guy, Cooper. Nora was fascinated with him, and just wanted to get her hands on him. We had to protect Mini-Cooper.

Ok, that's close enough, Nora, thanks.

Minot, we're cheering for you.

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