The Fargo Marathon gets bigger, and bigger each year and we love it because that means every year, more visitors come to town. Mike, Michelle, and Gabby spent the weekend at our house. Michelle sprinted the half-marathon. She would say she didn't run fast but if we were to start running at the same time, ya, she'd appear to be in a dead sprint. I am s-l-o-w. But I love it. It's fun and I can't wait to run again next year.
While we ran on Saturday, the kids played. Nora adores her
girly idol, Gabby.

We like to line up Gus and Gabby, back-to-back, for a pic every now and again because although they are only 11 months apart in age, they look more like 2 years apart. Gabby is petite and Gus is tall for his age (shocking), so this is what you get.

This is our morning training regiment. Wall push-ups are hard! Have you tried one lately?

Finally, here's part of the marathon folks:
Holly, Janelle, me, Michelle, and Dan.

Not pictured, but deserving of some major recognition are: Brett, Bjorn, Meg, Randy, Tara, Jerry, and my fellow co-workers who were part of our relay team. Did I forget anyone? Congratulations all you runners!
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