Once again, we've located that group of muscles in your arms, between your shoulder blades, and in your lower back that seem to get use only when holding a baby for an extended period of time. It's been awhile! But it's worth every cramp and kink. I type that as a reminder to myself as I start the final month of my maternity leave. I'm soaking up every moment I can and holding Nora as much as possible.

When it's not me doing the holding, it's Ross. She prefers to be held and we allow her to call the shots. At least for now.


The kids do not look amused in this shot and either does Ross. Why am I so happy? I must have forced them to take this photo. Makes sense now.

This is one of my favorite Nora faces.

While we relax inside, Ross and Gus were outside. In prep for our standard North Dakota winter, Ross got a new
snowblower. The box made a totally awesome fort for Gus.
In a related weather story, it is too windy in North Dakota to leave a cardboard fort outside unless it is harnessed to the ground. So Gus played with his new fort in the garage today.

What's a fort without friends to share it with?!
1 comment:
That looks like a lot of fun in that box. Nora looks pretty serious in some of those photos. Cute.
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