Monday, October 25, 2010

20 years ago

Did we see this coming? That we'd meet up at the Fargo, ND Holiday Inn so our kids could swim? Maybe not, but I like it.

Lindy and I have been friends since way back in 4th grade. That makes it over 20 years, wow. It was great to catch up with not only Lindy and her 2 boys (Gabe and Andrew), but the whole Schaefer crew! Thank you for the invite, it was great!

Lindy with Nora

Kristi with Nora
Sydney (Kristi & Eric's daughter, 8), Gus, and Gabe (3 1/2).

The Holiday Inn is the best, as far as Gus is concerned!

Thanks again, Lindy, Kristi, Gary, and DiAnn!

1 comment:

Lindy said...

Ha! Love it! That kinda makes us seem old, but it sure was fun. I like Nora's face in the pic of me. I think she is saying "I want to get in that water right now"!