The shock of a new sister was absorbed easily by the great guests we had last week. Gus enjoyed every minute of it. Between aunts, grandmas, grandpas, friends, and neighbors, Gus had plenty to do.
But first up, here's his first official photo with his sis. This photo is sweet, yes, but the best part, in my opinion, is the look on Nora's face. If she could snap her fingers, point, and talk, she'd have both pointer fingers aimed at me, and would totally be saying, "right back
atcha, mom."

Grandparents are great. Not only were they here
lickity-split to greet Nora, they helped immensely with Gus. We appreciate all the help! We wouldn't have had such a nice transition home without you. Especially
Gma Vickie who stayed all week. What a lifesaver. Thank you!

Christy, and Will have been over a few times. Nora doesn't measure up to Will yet but give her some time.

Gus' great aunts Patty, and Nancy, and Great Grandma Betty drove down for a visit, too.

Gus put on a show for them while they were here.

Michelle graciously left her family back in
Mpls to spend 2 days with us. It was wonderful, and so relaxing (although we missed Gabby and Mike).

We also had a couple Johnson families swing by but I didn't snap any pics. The first
Johnsons' were Jaime, Paul, Carson, Ashton, and the second set was my Aunt and Uncle Val and Randy Johnson. It has been so fun to see everyone! Looking forward to more visitors.