Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Trick-or-treat test run

Gus attended a Pre-Halloween trick-or-treating event at NDSU with his friend, Henry. Henry's mom, Sara, works at NDSU so she has the inside scoop and invited us to come with. It was great! Super Kristie was with, too, and spent most of her time carrying one or another of the little guys, who aren't so little. Sorry if your arms are sore!

Gus is the UPS man and Henry is a monkey.

Comparing treat totals.

When he got home, he dumped out the pumpkin and took inventory with his dad.

His favorite treat of all time are suckers.


Patty Bloms said...

Hey, the costume! So original. Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. Hope you have a great time trick-or-treating!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Gus you are the most handsome UPS guy I have ever seen. Sofie is going to be Minnie Mouse. Can't wait myself to check out the candy. Have fun trick-or-treating.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Gus scored! Way to go buddy~

Aunt Christy