Congratulations, Bjorn and Meghan! The whole weekend was beautiful. When I get the reception photos of the happy new couple off my other camera I'll post them. Meanwhile, here's some highlights from Gus' point of view.
Getting warmed up for rehearsal.

Meg and her mom with her soon-to-be in-laws. I don't know why this photo is fuzzy but it is, and it bothers me. The bottom line is it's a good shot that deserves to be posted regardless of it's fuzziness so here it is.
LeRae, Maren, Meg, Alice, Grandma Ethel, and Val.

The groom and his best man posing with Grandma.
Christy took this shot and clearly she is fast because he only held her hand for about 5 seconds, then he was out of there. The plan was to have the flower girls and the ring bearer walk down the aisle together. Here's Ava,
Maeve, Nora, and Gus.

After rehearsal, Gus headed back to the hotel with his Grandparents and played, played, played with everyone until we came home and crashed the party, making him go to sleep.

Here's Gus on the morning of the wedding, getting ready for pictures. NOTE: we actually had to consider fixing his hair. It only took me 10 seconds to comb it down but the point is we did do something with it which made me

No way, these were not the real rings.

The Johnson family with their newest member.

Gus did not participate in the cute flower girl photo that was being taken in the background of this shot.

The making of a wedding party group shot was in progress during this picture. I knew Gus would only last for a few moments so I snapped it before everyone was settled just to prove he was sitting.

We don't have any photos from the ceremony to prove it, but, Gus did his job! He took off (without the flower girls) and made it right down the center of the aisle to Ross who was waiting to scoop him up before he tore up the altar. We were overly proud.
Moments after saying, 'I do'.

Everyone was excited.

After the wedding was over, Gus tried many different stall tactics in order to stay at the lake.

Before leaving, we headed over to Huddles Resort where Mike, Michelle, and Gabby were staying with her whole family. We agreed it was ironic that we would all be in the same little northern MN resort city at the same time so we HAD to swing in for a visit.
Ross reading to Gus and our precious god-
daughter, Gabby.

Pondering genetics and the fact that they look like twins.

Whoa...teetering on the totter for the first time was kind of scary for Gus. I'm not sure if he liked it or not.

Michelle and I both agreed swinging hurts when you're an adult. The seats are too small and I think we were both nauseous by the time this photo session was over. We've clearly mellowed over the years but for good reason!

1. A beautiful wedding
2. Quality family time
3. Great food
4. Swimming (not pictured)
5. Friends and cute babies
It was a perfect weekend.