When I arrived at daycare today to pick up Gus, they informed me that he had a blowout and the only item in his back-up clothing bin was a pair of shorts. Before I could question them, she said, "we would have given him a pair of pants for the day but all we have in his size are 2 pairs of pink pants...and I figured you didn't want him wearing pink pants all day."
That's funny.
And because it is the middle of winter, I had to do it, I had to make him wear the pink pants on the way home. We left them on for only 5 minutes.
They don't look that bad! Real men can wear pink, you know. If it was 1975, he would be the coolest.

Gus you look to cool, don't feel bad Grandpa has worn pink before.
It might not have been so bad, but with that red shirt...WOW! Holly would definately approve as she is always trying to get Lucas and Alex to wear pink shirts.
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