Monday, December 22, 2008

Class party

Gus has his first school classroom Christmas party last week and these kids can party, I was there. Watch out Class of 2026 - woop woop.

First, they got to decorate their own cookies. I helped Gus with his, not sure if you can see it but that's a P in pink frosting.

Next they all got to open 1 gift. Gus helped Lilly with this one.

Books! Nice.

Here's the best I could get for a class pic. From L-R it's Ethan, Erik, Lilly, Elizabeth, Kaydence, Gus, Avantay, Caiden and CJ (head cut off, oops) way up at the top.

I love attending these types of things, I can't get enough of it. It was so darn cute. One thing it did open my eyes up to was the wonderful world of sharing, or should I say the lack of sharing. That's going to be a tough one to teach. Notice Gus has a firm grip on that book. That's because somebody tried to take it moments before and he was not impressed. We will keep reminding him he needs to share and I will need to remember that it's hard to enforce that rule when there are gifts to be opened.

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