We had a great time in Fargo this weekend. Gus slept like a champ in his pack-n-play but he did say he was looking forward to sleeping in his own bed again.
We enjoyed every second we had with family and friends this weekend. It was just a great weekend from start to finish. Time flew by so quickly and sadly we didn't see everyone we wanted to (next time,
Schwan and
Skunny, we promise) but we'll make up for it on our next trip to the greater F-M area.
The only stop we had during our road trip was near Alexandria for a bathroom break for Ross (things have changed since our last road trip when I was pregnant). We didn't have to stop for Gus once! He slept the whole way to Fargo and again the whole way back home to
Mpls. We couldn't ask for a better little traveler.
Grandma and Grandpa Dave and Vickie sent this little jewel of a toy with G & G Steve and Debi. He loves it.

He got some new toys from G & G Steve and Debi, too. Inside that basketball there is a mini football, a
soccer ball, and a baseball. Until he can figure out how to take it apart he'll just enjoy the basketball.

He can already palm this baby. (The handle helps.)
Story time with Grandpa.

Dancing in the mirror with Grandma.

She was cracking him up.

We brought him into the pool area so he could look around but told him he was still too small for the big people pool. After that, Grandma & Grandpa made him a mini whirl pool in the hotel room sink so he could soak his feet.

......and a couple seconds later....

Gus was excited to see Uncle Kyle and Jess. He showed all his emotions while they were visiting....laughs, smiles, cries, drools, and all sorts of hilarious expressions. Luckily Jess and I happened to have a couple cameras handy so we were able to capture these moments.

"Tell me some more Uncle Kyle & Jessie. You're funny."

"Uncle Kyle sounds like my dad. Are you guys hearing this?! It's cool."

Here's his tux - a handmade gift from Uncle Josh and Aunt
Christy. Pretty sharp.

Posing with Grandma and Grandpa.

Cuddling up with Aunt

The fish tank at their house was super interesting. What the heck does Uncle Josh feed those things? You could seriously go fishing in this tank and come out with a decent catch. Gus was into it.

Thank you for spending time with us this weekend! We wish we were closer to everyone but because we're not, we appreciate these visits even more and look forward to each one. And this coming Easter weekend? More fun! Grandma and Grandpa Dave & Vickie will be here.