It didn't take us too long to paint the two rooms. We did the prep work Friday night by moving furniture and removing fixtures, went to Home Depot bright and early Saturday morning, started painting around 9:30 and were done by 3:00.
Last weekend we went camping in Fort Ransom, ND. Fort Ransom is SW of Fargo. Allison and I took Friday off and drove down to Fargo and stayed with Josh and Christy Thursday night. Then it was off to the campgrounds Friday morning. The weekend was spent relaxing, eating good food, playing lawn games, and kayaking. It was the first time we've ever kayaked and was quite fun. The rapids of the Sheyanne River were formidable but we made it okay.
Here's a group shot of the campers. Steve and Debi with Belle, Josh and Christy with their dog Hunter, and Allison, Junior and me.

Here's the crew playing a game of Bocce ball. The picture looks like something out of a movie with the way everyone is walking toward the camera. It reminds me of Reservoir Dogs.

Steve and Debi were victorious!
It was a great campsite. Plenty of room for two sleeping tents, the camper, the screen tent and of course Norwegian Golf. For those who don't know, Norwegian golf is the white contraption Allsion is standing next two in the picture. It consists of three crosspieces of PVC pipe connected to a PVC pipe stand. There are three sets of golf balls with holes drilled through the middle and connected by string. The object is to throw the golf ball strings and wrap them around the cross pieces of PVC. It's very fun.

Just call me Swatter.
Big Swatter.
Belle was not impressed with Hunter by the end of the trip.
Again, not impressed.
We went to Brett and Bjorn's today and hung out with Brett, Bjorn, and Mehgan (Meg, sorry if I spelled your name wrong.) Mehgan's parents John and Alice were in town and were there too. I'm not sure if Allison snapped any good pictures but if she did I'll post them sometime this week.
Kyle and Brett got the last post's trivia question correct. If anyone's been unable to sleep at night because the question has been haunting them the answer can be veiwed by clicking on the comments link of the previous post. Congratulations Brett and Kyle, you've won an exciting prize.
Hi Allison Ross and Junior, The room color looks great. Are you putting like an aqua color with that too, or did I dream that up? That was a fun weekend in Ft. Ransom.
Allison, Ross and Junior, I love the color of Juniors room. Grant's room is also brown. The color is Chip and Dale I just love to say that cause who would have thought that would be brown. Anyway Allison your looking good. Oh and you to Ross.
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