Sunday, August 5, 2012

1st Official Cousin's Overnight

Our nephew Will played with us all day last week, then stayed the night to make it our first official sleepover.  He did great, not even one tear shed. 

We wore them out by going for a bike ride to the park.   When we got home, they stretched.

 After the park, we showered up, then had popcorn for a snack while watching the Olympics.

 The next day, they were all smiles just moments after rolling out of bed.


We're ready for the next slumber party already.  We love you, Will-man!  Oh, but next time, we need Hava here to make it a perfect 10 on the cousin scale. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will had a blast! I think his favorite part was sleeping in his cousin Gus' bedroom. :)

Aunt Christy