Sunday, July 17, 2011

If you think it, you can do it

No, this blog post isn't my attempt to start a motivational speaking career, it's just an observation. Within 12 hours of Gus attending the RedHawks baseball game, he has used the power of positive thinking to become a baseball legend in his own mind. I mean, his new-found power is legit (no steroids or doping), it's just a pure obsession with the sport. His imagination and swing has really come to life. It's cracking Ross and I up!

1 comment:

Patty Bloms said...

As we were all watching this video clip, these were some of the comments from Lucas & Alex: "Oh my gosh, he just crushes it...look out t-ballers...he is so coordinated...he just nails it..." Needless to say, we were all impressed!