January 27
th was Ross' birthday. To celebrate, we went for dinner with Josh,
Christy, and Will, then headed back to our place for cake. Ice cream cookie dough cake to be exact. That is delicious cake.
Gus will blow out your b-day candles for you if you ever need help in that area.

Will's personality is really starting to show through. He is hilarious. He hams it up for pics when he sees a camera.

Also, when he wants something, he just crawls over to it and grabs it. For instance, Nora's hair.

The best part of this photo is Josh and
Christys' hands, both shooting in to try and stop Will. Nora's wincing face is also pretty funny.
Gpa and
Gma Steve & Debi were here for the weekend and as usual, the kids loved every second of it! So did we. Thank you for watching the kids while we enjoyed a night out.

Happy Birthday, Ross!
Happy 35th birthday, Ross!!
Happy Birthday Ross!
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