I'm a little behind on my posts. Here's our shots from Christmas 2010.
Gus set out a cookie and a cup of milk for Santa before he crawled into bed on Christmas Eve.

When he awoke on Christmas Day, he was impressed that the cookie and milk was gone, but his main focus was on the packages in the living room that weren't there when he went to sleep.
Home Depot Workshop! Yes!

Safety breakfast,

then starts the assembly.

And of course there was the traditional kids on Christmas, in front of the tree photo.

This is Nora's best pose.

More Nora Claus -

We had a few days to recover, relax, and disinfect after our first Christmas with Gma Vickie and Gpa Dave. Then, over New Year's weekend, we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family.
Steph, and
Hava were in from Boston (Mike held down the fort in Boston), Josh,
Christy, and Will were back from their Christmas with Christy's family in South Dakota, and Mom and Dad drove down from Minot. It was wonderful!
Nora soaked up her time with Aunt

She loved her Christmas gift. Turns out, so did everyone else. I should have purchased infant sensory balls for everyone. They were a hit all weekend!
Hava and Gus played, and argued, like siblings. So cute.

Again, the sensory balls. The best gift of 2010.

Art project time!

Josh, the artist of the family, doing his own art project while the kids work. Show-off. But I like it.
Ahhh, a long day of playing means a bed-time snack is a must.

The play resumes, for day #2.

Gus and
Gpa Steve

Nora, on her first Christmas, eyeing up the teething ring taped to her present.

Spidey gear? Yes, please.

Will dug into his gifts like a seasoned pro, even though it was his first Christmas.

The girl photo. Also, do you like my lamp hat?

The kiddos with their loving grandparents.

"You ready for bed? Yeah, getting tired. Wanna sleep over? I have room in my crib.
BYOP (pacifier). No problem."

On second thought, Will preferred to bunk up in the boys room with Gus.

We had 3 days of quality family time together. On Day 3, we decided to head out into the blizzard, to grab dinner as a family. Table for 7, with 1 booster chair, 2 high chairs, and 1 sling for a car seat. What were we thinking.
Will and Nora were the first ones ready to go.

Turns out everything went great.
Home again for some reading with Aunt

Reading was
waaay better when done in Gus' secret fort.

After a long week traveling, and constantly on the go,
Hava relaxed with a little yoga.

And Will relaxed by going absolutely bonkers in his Johnny Jump Up. I wish I had a video because it's hilarious.
Hava and
Steph made one last stop at Josh,
Christy, and Wills' before heading to the airport. We miss them already!

We loved every minute we had with our families this year. We missed seeing our extended family members in Minot, but we will catch up this winter or spring when we're all feeling healthy and not contagious.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!