Opening Day 2010: Red River Zoo
It was cold, but we decided to check it out anyway. I should have brought gloves for everyone! Good thing we had pockets.

Last year, Gus didn't like riding the carousel. This year he forgot his fears and was even riding no-handed. Thankfully I was there to keep him on the horse. Ross barely caught us in the right side frame of this shot. Gus was yelling, "we're
cruuuising Mom!" the entire time.

This baby goat was adorable.

A few of the baby goats were so small, they were able to sneak through the fence and run freely around the zoo. Gus loved mingling with the goats, and I thought it was pretty cute, too. But the mom goat who was stuck in the pen was not impressed - and you could hear it in her
baaaa. We kept telling Gus that those baby goats were in big trouble because they weren't listening to their mom. He just shook his head at the babies as if to say, "cm 'on guys, get back in there
cuz you're in trouble." Very funny.
1 comment:
We should plan a trip to the Chahikapa Zoo in Wahpeton one day this summer... Oh wait, Will might be too young for that. Rain check please?
~Uncle J
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