Mike, Michelle, and Gabby were in town this weekend and we loved it. Gus woke up from his nap on Sunday, without remembering they had gone home, and said, "
shhh, mom. Gabs still sleeping". I had to remind him they had left. And he was sad.
The highlights of the weekend are below.
Saturday morning waffles and juice boxes in your
jammies is the best. It doesn't get any better than this when you're 18 mos and 2 yrs old.

The best part of each meal was Mollie the dog's sneaky presence (clean up crew). She was lurking around every corner while the kids ate.

After breakfast we went back to the Children's Museum for another visit.

Gabby (and I), were impressed with her Dad's skills.


They loved this lever contraption,

We had to bribe them to get this construction crew photo. Worth it.

There is some serious science stuff going on in this photo.

The music room was a hit, even for the dads.

Gabby was feeling the rhythm.

Gus was shocked at the amount of popcorn that Gabby could eat.

Later that day, we decided to run the kids to wear them out in the hopes they would get a good night's sleep.

After the running of the kids, we played
Elefun, and it brought out the sensitive side of Gus. Actually, moments before this shot, Gus swatted Gabby with an Elefun net so this was the mom-enforced apology and hug.) Either way, I love this photo.

It was a perfect weekend, other than the junk food and record-setting consumption of calories in 2 days. But we've come to expect these things when we get together. Thank you for the visit and the good times.