Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Outside, finally

Gus burned some energy playing in the snow this weekend.

We went to the park and all he wanted to do was swing. It took me about 5 mins to get him in and out of the toddler swing due to the bulky nature of his snowpants and snowboots, but eventually, I freed him. I would have loved to see a video of me with Gus over my shoulder, trying to tear a plastic swing off his legs, with one boot stuck upsidedown. It's just probably something you shouldn't do in the middle of January.

After the outdoor activities were over, he relaxed with gpa and gma.

1 comment:

Lindy said...

I LOVE that in every picture Gus is wearing a sweatband. So funny! He probably needs it with all the energy he is burning off...

Miss you,