We headed to nearby Buffalo River State Park on Saturday for some swimming and relaxation. They have a mini, man-made lake which we thought Gus would like. Between crawling, standing, scoping out the people, and swimming, he wore himself right out and slept like a champ on the way home and again when he crashed for the night.

This is the best smile I could get while he was on the run.

Dipping the toe.

Slowly inching his way into the water and eating sand.

OK, OK....feel free to pummel me with the Forrest
Gump joke at this point, I deserve it. In defense, once you become a mom, something takes over and all of the sudden, a cutesy picture that features both your husband and child,
no matter how cheesy, is something you feel obligated to snap. You just do. And I don't regret it! Feel free to make fun of me now.

Ross had to hold him back towards the end.

1 comment:
It is good to see you are into water activities. Grandpa loves the picture of you and your Daddy sitting together on the beach. Mommy took a really good picture there and it should be sent into a baby contest.
Grandpa V
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