Fresh off the family reunion, we decided to spend one more day outside enjoying the beautiful weather. Mom and Dad camped in
Lindenwood Park so we brought Gus and his stroller on down, took a walk around the park, and had some fun at the gigantic playground.

Grandma Debi kicking it old school on the bike Josh made for
Christy. It's called The Cruiser. It is sweet.

Beep-Beep! Coming through.
(Note: we will check to see if Grandpa Steve can walk on Tuesday. He water-ski'd and rode The Cruiser, pictured here, within days of each other, it can't be good. Just kidding, Steve.)
The next American Gladiator.

And to cap off the day, Gus decided crawling isn't good enough. He's going straight for the stairs! We need to install that baby gate ASAP.
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