We had a busy weekend in Minot but the more we go, the better we get at making the rounds and seeing everyone that we want to see.
Gus got a new basketball hoop from Grandma and Grandpa Steve & Debi. He loves it. We were really surprised by this gift choice, didn't see that one coming.

Enjoying the fresh ND outdoors with Grandma Vickie and Great Grandpa Marv.

Grandpa Marv was impressed with Gus' crawling skills. Gus crawled right up onto his lap.

This is a new game that can only be played outdoors especially when Ross is the one playing with Gus. It is just too dangerous to be played under regulation-height ceilings.

Grandpa Dave trying to teach Gus how to say Grandpa Dave.

Great Grandma Betty and Gus peering out the porch window.

We were excited to see the twins and how much they've changed! We were excited to see Tadd and Jody, too, but they haven't changed much...they still look great! Olivia and Gus were stretched out on the floor, trying to see who is taller. It is close but Olivia still has Gus, for now.

Violet was OK with her Dad holding Gus as long as he could hold her, too.

Gus thinks Uncle Kyle is cool. In this picture it appears that he has told Gus a tall tale and he's waiting to see if Gus believes him. He does believe you, Uncle Kyle and he will for many many more years and will probably fall for all the tricks you have up your
Pankratz sleeve.

Uncle Kyle reading Gus his favorite book of all time: Brown Bear.

He hit up Great Grandma Ethel for some reading time, too. She was teaching him all about eyes, noses, mouths, and ears.

On Sunday morning we went to
Carpio to listen to his Great Grandma Ethel play the organ in church. As you can see he was excited to the point of shock that she actually let him play the organ. That is a kid's dream - all those buttons just waiting to be pushed. Grandma did a great job and it was fun to hear her play, we were proud.

Amazingly, the only other Gus we've ever heard of was also in church on Sunday morning - this was a big day. This is Augustus, but he goes by Gus.

He's 2 months older than Gus, but despite their age difference they could relate.

Going to bed on time was not going to happen so we just let him stay awake and play until he was completely wiped out. He tended to the garden with Grandma Debi and Grandpa Steve but that still didn't tire him out.

Going strong after the sun had gone down and in ND that's late! I think the sunset is around 10pm.

We are happy that Gus has taken a strange liking to his car seat lately. It's his new favorite toy which made it easier for us to load him into it for the long car ride home.

We had a great weekend. Thanks to everyone who visited or hosted!