Junior's been doing great. He's been moving around in there a lot lately and is getting stronger every day. Yesterday Allison thought he must have been practicing his basketball moves because she said it felt like he was dribbling something.
He's had the hiccups twice now. The first time Allison noticed it she had me feel her stomach. Sure enough every couple seconds there was a little tapping feeling. About a week later Allison received her weekly newsletter describing what the little tike is developing each particular week and it said that our baby was just starting to practice breathing. The newsletter is a free service she found on some website and is pretty cool. I guess Junior's practicing breathing by inhaling the embryonic fluid to get his lungs in shape. He must have got a little too aggressive and gave himself the hiccups.
Here's Allison and Junior at 31 weeks:

Do you think it will fit him?

Last weekend we went out to Boston to visit Aunt Steph and Uncle Mike. Allison had some frequent flier miles we thought we'd use up since we probably won't be taking any vacations for a while. We had a great time out there -- it was a relaxing weekend.
Steph and Mike have a nice house in Jamaica Plain. Here's Steph on their deck.

Steph is an excellent cook. We ate like royalty while we were there. Thank you for being such great hosts.
Corn on the cob was on the menu Friday night.

The sisters on the stairs.

Saturday afternoon we spent some time in the Larz Anderson Park.

Saturday night we went out to eat at an Afghani restaurant. We've never had that type of food before but are willing to try anything at least once. It was very good. Here we are after dinner. What a nice looking group.

Monday morning we took the red-eye home. I went straight from the airport to work. Boy that was sure fun.
I apologize for there being no humor in this post so I found some childbirth jokes on the web. Enjoy.
Things Not to Say During Childbirth
- Gosh, you’re lucky. I sure wish men could experience the miracle of childbirth.
- Do you think the baby will come before Monday Night Football starts?
- If you think this hurts, I should tell you about the time I twisted my ankle.
Tall Guy
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