Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A Superhero, a princess, and a giant
Sunday, April 15, 2012
His friend, Ava, is also in the league. She plays for the Monkeys.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Our Nora
Deep thoughts by Gus Pankratz
We wanted to share a few notable quotes from Gus, who is now 4 1/2 years old. Time flies!
About a week ago, Ross and Gus were driving and they had the following conversation:
G: "Dad, Grandpa Steve is stronger than you."
R: "He is?"
G: "Yep, because he has a bigger tummy."
Saturday they were again driving.
G: "Dad, the library is only for local people."
R: "Oh it is?"
G: "Yep"
Earlier, Ross had heard a commercial on the radio where local libraries were discussed. He was curious if Gus knew what "local" meant so he asked him.
R: "Gus, do you know what 'local' means?"
G: "No Dad, not local, loco."
R: "Oh really, it's a loco library? It's only for crazy people?"
G: "Yep" he confidently replied.
The other evening, Gus and I were making crazy faces or joking around about something and in the middle of a laugh he said:
Me: "Oh really Gus?" (to which I'm immediately offended), "you mean wrinkles?"
He responded,
G: "No, I mean lines."
Then he proceeded to try and raise his eyebrows as hard as he could for a solid minute (it was hilarious), but no matter how hard he tried he could not produce the same forehead wrinkles that I have. So he cried. I mean bawled, for a good 5 minutes. Until I told him he really didn't want lines on his forehead because that means you are old. And then he stopped crying.
Recently we made BLT's for lunch. We fed the kids something else, but Gus asked for a sandwich like his Mom and Dad. We made a piece of toast for him and I asked:
A: "Do you want mayo on it?"
G: "Yes."
A: "Do you even know what mayo is?"
G: "Yep, it's what's delivered to the mailbox outside."

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter

It was tough for her to get every little piece of foil off the chocolate eggs. That stuff is tricky! And tastes gross, too.

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Thanks, kids!
I walked around the mall for about 15 minutes with this baby stuck to the bottom of my bag. It took until I set it down on a counter to pay before I noticed anything.

Sunday, April 1, 2012
A little MN

It's typically Gus and Gabby who do all the playing, but now that Nora is getting old enough to get into the big kid's business, she's really interested in Gabby and wants to be just like her. Hence the matching outfits and headbands.