On November 17
th, Gus turned 4. He had an awesome day, and an awesome weekend. Here he is on his way out the door to preschool. He's carrying the Birthday Bag, which is like Ultimate Show and Tell. On their birthday, each child gets to fill up the Birthday Bag with all of their favorite items from home, to share with their class. Gus filled his bag with 3 shirts, 3 cars, about 5 photos, a basketball, and a Dr. Seuss book.

He paused for a rare photo opp with both his mom and dad before school. Smart kid - he knew gifts were an option later in the day, so he listened very well all morning. Coincidence? I think not.

On Friday, we got a room at the Holiday Inn, Gus' favorite pool in Fargo, and invited a few folks over to swim and eat cake. Here's Gus with his buddy/neighbor, Caleb. They warmed up for the pool by wearing their matching Cars swimming trunks and jumping from bed to bed until the parents finally put a stop to it (OK, so it was just me who told them to stop).

Family swim!

Nora was really into the pool this time.

The only person who loved the pool more than Nora, was Will.

Gus picked his theme: Race Cars.

His guests were Caleb, Jake, Taylor, and Will. The
Mpls crew couldn't make it because the first snow of the year made for some slippery driving conditions. Also, the Johnson's were moving into their new beautiful home so they couldn't make it either. We missed you all. Next time, Gabs, Carson, and Ashton!

Gus got a set of remote control cars from his Uncle Josh and Aunt
Christy. He was so moved by the gift, that he started handing out hugs. (Cars will do this to a 4 year old boy.)

Buddies! Who, by the way, share the same birthday. Caleb and Gus were both born on November 17
th. Pretty neat!

Not to be outdone by anyone, Nora puked half way through the party, so she went topless the rest of the night. She wasn't ill, she's just got a wicked gag reflex.

But a little puke never slows this gal down. Onward! Stealing Gus' new toys.

Thank you to everyone who helped Gus celebrate his 4
th b-day. 4 is going to be great.