Gus got to spend an exciting week camping with his Grandma and Grandpa Debi and Steve in Lindenwood Park. They decided to stay in Fargo for 5 days on their way back from Detroit Lakes. As you can expect, Gus really had to rough it.
Breakfast each day included whatever Gus wanted.

And the same went for lunch.

Gifts were also included in this week-long camping trip package.

Handy-man training was held mid-day.

Hmm, I could fix this.

Or just look through it. That's way more fun.

Baby Will stopped by the campsite for a visit. He's growing!

These bikes were very cool.

Each night, he ran the bases.

After mom, dad, and Gus' stay in Lindenwood Park was done for the week, we all headed to a park north of Valley City to camp for the weekend. Ross and I were present this time to help with the exhausting of chasing a 2-yr old around.
Josh, Christy, and Will came up for the day, too. It was ridiculously hot (97 degrees), so after lunch they took off early to give Will some much-needed air conditioning.

Gus and Ross found some manly walking sticks on our hike.

Tent camping is the BEST.

Gus liked Belle because she gobbled up all the food scraps he threw to her. Belle like Gus for that very same reason.

Roasting marshmallows for the first time on his own was a success.

He experienced another first this camping trip.

This was the the world's longest/tallest twisty slide I had ever seen.

And finally, a dip in the lake to cool off! It was hot.

Thank you thank you, Grandpa and Grandma Steve and Debi for hosting Gus all week. He loved it. And each time we see a camper he brings up the fun he had camping with you.