Gus' final-final birthday party was held this weekend in Minot. We guarantee this was his last birthday party this year.
Gma Debi made a very cool bulldozer cake with rocks and dirt road.

Nice cake decorating skills,

Gotta get moving and work off that cake.

This is Gus' newest animal, Gus the duck.

I forced all the grandparents and great-grandmas to take a photo before they left. I forget that not everyone likes a good photo opp. But I'm glad I got these.

We also enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving while in Minot. Here's Gus watching a DVD with Alex.

Gus became obsessed with a decorative seagull while staying at mom and dads. That seagull did everything with us, including eat breakfast. Gus thought it was hilarious.

Oh, and he decided he was too big for a highchair and went with the stool, straight up.

Ross and I went out both nights, without even thinking twice. And why would we hesitate knowing Gus' activities while were were out included exploring watercolors, reading, aerobics, and soaking in the tub? It was wonderful for us all. I think we could get used to having grandparents in town. Thank you!

We all know Ross is tall, no reminder needed there. This photo was inserted to illustrate how tall Gus is getting.

Ping pong is a must.

Reading is better with turtle slippers on.

We also had a chance to catch up with our friends, the
Demars family. The twins, Violet and Olivia, are adorable and sweet. They played nicely with Gus. Later that night, we caught dinner with Todd and Jody, and
Chad and Angie to celebrate Tadd and Jody's anniversary. Great times in Minot, everyone, thank you!