Fargo Park District held its annual Fall Festival last weekend and we were there.
Gpa and
Gma Steve and Debi were in town, too, so the weekend was full of excitement. We went to this same event last year but Gus wasn't really old enough to enjoy all the perks then. He did this year.
First stop was cookie decorating in the barn.

Second, a stop at the pumpkin patch.

Next up was a horse ride with
Gpa Steve.

Then we hit up all the games.
Bball, duh.

Ring the pumpkin was fun.

Feed the scarecrow was by far the easiest game of the day, but still cute.

Gus sprinted around in the straw maze forever.

We headed indoors for some refreshments and when we stepped inside, we heard some beautiful music. Gus tracked it down to a harpist sitting in the corner. When he walked up to watch her, she stopped and told us she is a kids harp instructor. Get a load of this, she pulled out a mini-harp and let Gus strum away. That was almost as entertaining to him as the straw maze.

When we got home, he crashed but not before posing with silly pumpkin that he constructed with
Gma Debi. He loved that thing! Until he bit the eyeballs off it yesterday.

Thanks for a great weekend visit, Steve & Debi!