Friday, December 14, 2007

Being a baby doesn't have to be stressful

Gus likes to relax in the morning to keep his stress level down.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New Toy, Tummy Time and Bath

Here's Gus testing out his new toy. He loved it so much he tried to talk!

And here's some new photos from bath-time and tummy time. He's getting stronger and holding his head up. He looks just a little upset with his dad in this first shot; "seriously dad, flip me over...are you kidding me? This is hard work!"

He loved his first real bath. He didn't cry once and actually seemed to enjoy just soaking and relaxing in his tub.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

3 Weeks Old

Here's Gus at 3 weeks and 2 days old. He wasn't a big fan of his lion sweater but he wore it out today anyway.

Grandma Debi is in town all week helping out (what a blessing). Here's Gus waking up and talking with grandma.

And finally, here's Gus and his dad spending some quality time together.

That's all for now. Time for bed.

Monday, December 3, 2007

2 Weeks Old and Already Reading

It is Ross' first week back at work, so I'm taking over the blog. (It's only temporary, he's much better at this than I am!)

Here's some footage of our precious little tot getting some exercise and reading a book today in his crib.

- Allison

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Week 2

Here's some Week 2 pictures. Things are going well. That's all for the commentary in this post -- too tired to write more.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Gus - 1 Week and 1 Day

Here's Gus in one of his more alert moments.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Week 1

We finally had some time to put some more pictures up. Allison and I have talked about how that is the biggest difference in our lives we've noticed so far -- every day goes by so much faster.

Both sets of grandparents were down here helping out last week which helped a lot. Thank you very much for making the first week at home so much easier. Gus has been sleeping great the last two nights. He has slept in 4 hour stretches consistently. Hopefully it stays that way. Also, he doesn't cry unless he's hungry or has a surprise for us in his pants. Basically, he's a perfect kid.

Congratulations to Uncle Josh and Aunt Christy on your wedding last weekend. We wish we could have been there. The video of the cermony looked great. From the video and what everyone has said it was beautiful. You two are perfect for each other. The three of us wish for you a long happy life together.

Here's the pictures...

Uncle Chad with Gus at the hospital.

Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Mike holding some random kid in the hospital. Just kidding, that's Gus they're holding.

Grandpa Dave and you guessed it -- Gus.

He's a little smaller than me at this point.


Not a happy camper.

"Hi there."

Nice hat...

...but it's a little big.

Thanksgiving picture with Grandma and Grandpa V.

Grandpa and Grandma P. with their new Grandson.

That carseat is pretty comfortable.

"There is nothing on TV tonight."

"Uncle" Brett with the little guy. Actually he is second-cousin Brett but we figure we'll explain that to Gus later on.

Our new family on our first Thanksgiving.


That's all for now.

Good night,

Ross, Allison, and Gus

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Proud Parents!

Gus Alan was born at 2:41 a.m. on 11/17/2007. He weighed in a healthy 7 pounds and 10 ounces. He wasn't as tall as we thought he'd be at 19 and 3/4 inches. He's in good health and we couldn't be happier.

Allison did great -- she is tough as nails. Both Mom and Gus are doing great. He's been successful at latching on to eat twice now. We've been spending almost every minute of the day staring at the little guy. He's absolutely perfect.

Here's some pictures of Gus right after he was born.

"So that's where the voice is coming from that I've heard for the last 10 months."

The specs on Junior.

"Lady, take that cold metal thing off of me. Now!"

He didn't enjoy being weighed.

It's an unbelievable feeling to be parents. We couldn't be more blessed! We wanted to say thank you to all our family and friends who have helped us through this and have been so kind.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kickin' Baby

Like I said in our previous post, Junior has been kicking like a madman lately. We decided to whip out the camcorder and tape a couple of minutes. Hopefully this works -- we haven't tried posting a video before.

Make sure you move your mouse off of the video (after pressing play) to get rid of all the YouTube stuff that shows up.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Home Stretch!

It shouldn't be long now. The official due date is 3 days away. We thought we'd better get another picture up before it's too late. The little guy has been kicking like a madman the last couple of days. We've been telling him that if he'd just come out he would have all kinds of room to stretch out.

We realized that the baby shower pictures were never posted. Steph flew into town and helped put the final touches on Junior's room while she was here for the shower. Here she is putting together a little nightstand. Steph always has loved power tools.

Michelle hosted the baby shower. Our friend Carin put together a diaper cake.

Allison holding up a Baby Bjorn.

I'm not sure about this.

Opening gifts...

A while back we were visiting a few some daycare centers to get an idea of what they were all about. At one of them they told us to enter our names in a drawing for a bike. Junior won! He might be a little too young to ride it though.

Allison turned 30 on Friday. We had a surprise party for her at an Italian restaurant in Plymouth. Brett, Mike & Michelle, Buzz & Tara, Paul & Jaime, Carin & Alex, and Holly were all there. Allison didn't have a clue -- it worked out perfectly.

That's all for now.

Good Night.